Soon our clothes will be printed and we will be able to send them per email. meet the designer behind this outstanding collection. Welcome to a new era.
THE ARCHIVE : Imagine you are a superhero, what would your superhero name be?
DANIT : 3DP-Liberty
TA : Since you are now an expert with 3D printing, let’s imagine that this is your superpower : when and how did you find out about it? (in a more serious way we would ask : When and how did you come up with the idea for your project?)
D : I discovered my 3D printing superpower during 9 months of research. I went to Burning Man in Nevada last summer and saw amazing – out of this world – outfits that were made with new technologies. Someone gifted me a 3d printed necklace and I got excited about it. That’s how I decided to research 3D printing for my final collection before graduation.
TA : If you could choose another superpower, what would it be? How would you save the world with it?
D : Dont know 🙂 I like my current “superpower”. I hope to give people inspiration to create whatever they want!
TA : We reckon you would design your superhero outfit… what would that be like?
D: I already designed my superhero outfit. It’s the red jacked that says “LIBERTE”, because I have freedom.
TA : What is your next mission?
D : My next mission is to inspire young people to go and experiment and create new things.
TA : How does being a 3D printing superhero feel?
D : It feels exactly the same as a 2D printing superhero, surprisingly.
TA : Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
D : Sending my customers clothes by email.