Photo by Pawel Czerwinski of an acrylic paint imitating a view of another planet

Art & Pollution
A virtual exhibition showing the importance of taking care of our environment.
How much do you know about taking care of the environment? Many artists have joined the cause and are trying to spread more awareness and solutions through their art by reflecting what is currently happening around the world. Get ready to discover their pieces and messages and join the cause too!

Polluted Popsicles by Hong Yi-chen, Guo Yi-hui, and Zheng Yu-ti.
Exhibition by Tadashi Kawamata at the MAAT Lisbon.
Photo by Martijn Baudoin.

Whale made from 5 tons of plastic waste by Studio KCA.
Photo by Fabian Pulch.
Eco-visionarios exhibition at MAAT.

Runoff Verdure by artist Bethany Taylor.
Morgan O’Connell’s thesis project on water pollution.